Thursday, 25 April 2013

Georgia Redpath & George F Jackson

After the Easter break I was beginning to wonder who to go and see next..

It only seems like a couple of weeks since the last posting, but with Easter and a new student for me, it looks like it's been a month. So I'll, (we'll) be trying to get some more on here in the run up to...

our Open Studio event

18th - 19th May 2013 10 am - 4:30 pm

This was an easy one for me, I had commented on some of the Facebook and Twitter postings about the Open Studio event. and seen what Georgia was up to, within a few minutes of conversation on Twitter it was decided that the very next day, a student and I were going to see what was going on in this

 'ever so slightly, out of the way workshop'.

So, Tuesday morning, Dom and I did some work in my shop, then off to see what's happening..

Georgia Redpath & George F Jackson, share a workshop just outside the Ruskin Glass Center, and while we were taking photos and questioning Georgia I spotted this map..

Click on image to view..

Workshop 8 is where we are today, and you can see it can be accessed either through the Center or from outside.

Just inside the door is a Gallery area, where both have their work on show..

Georgia is just behind this wall and when we went in she was just making some moulds for some more of her wonderful pieces.

The working part of the studio, Georgia is half way through just one
 of the many stages in the process of making one of her pieces.

Here Georgia is adding clay around the outside of the cardboard tube to stop any of the plaster escaping, the blue sheet is sticky back plastic, this holds the silicon mould inside, down onto the base. Otherwise it would float when the plaster is added..

With a little water added to the surfaces of the blue silicon moulds,
they are ready to have the plaster poured over.

While the plaster was being mixed I took some photos of other parts of the process. This is where it starts, the card pieces are assembled, then Georgia makes the silicon mould from this..

Here are some previous silicon moulds..

And here are the finished pieces, beautiful..

Another previous mould that created the Blue one above...

So the plaster goes in, and some gentle tapping to get the air bubbles to come to the surface,
then just wait a while to set.. then onto the next stage..


While all this is going on, on the other side of the workshop is George F Jackson

George is making some lovely pieces at the moment, and I really like these..
This is a piece of glass that George has made from a mould, similar process to Georgia's work but more natural, using bamboo, bark and other 'finds' to give texture to the piece..

Here's a good example of the lengths that George goes to to produce a piece. Snail shells are used to make moulds, four each in the two moulds above. Then wax 'shells' are made from the moulds, then they are added to a piece, that then a mould is made around....

I know...that's a lot of work.. and some are shells, and others are the slug body with the shell on top..

Tea Bowls..  these are wonderful, and I can say that I had a small part in this bit..
Ask George.. and they will be in a Raku glazed finish..

I love it, and hopefully will get one of Georges pieces soon..hopefully.

This one is 'in process'

I hope you've enjoyed going through this, it's good for everyone to see just what goes into a piece of work that George and Georgia make, and I hope you can make it to our event.

If you have any comments, get in touch. We would love to know what you think.

All the best
